Welcome To Fordyce Primary School

Fordyce Primary, built in 1924, is set amongst a picturesque historical village, 2 miles south-west of Portsoy and 11 miles south west of Banff.

Surrounding the school are extensive grounds and playing field which are used for many curricular areas, particularly physical education and Forest School and Eco Schools activities. There is also a willow structure, raised flower and vegetable beds, orchard, adventure play trail area, recycled plastic bottle greenhouse, mini beast and wildlife area and a variety of mature and young trees.

Fordyce Primary is an Awarded Eco and Forest School and earlier in 2023, we were delighted to be shortlisted and then subsequently win The 2023 Scottish Finest Woods Award.

Fordyce village dates back to the 13th Century and is a conservation village. Within the village there is a Bistro, a Joiner’s Workshop Museum and a village hall, where the bowling club, WRVS, badminton club and dancing lessons are held as well as monthly car boot and craft stalls. A picturesque old churchyard, a castle dating from 1592 and play park completes the picture. Every July there is a Villlage Open Garden Day, which was previously featured in the BBC’s Beechgrove Garden programme.




    On Saturday 9th March we held a school open day to celebrate our centenary year. Pupils and staff  created an exhibition from their history project of the school over the last 100 years. Memorabilia and testimonies were loaned to the school from ex-pupils and ex-staff from both Primary and former Academy.

  • The Aberdeenshire Archives team were on site answering questions and brought former Fordyce Academy logbooks and other archive materials for members of the public to enjoy. 
  • Many thanks to those who contributed and helped on the day and to those who attended.


  • Dates for your diary

  • Last day of Term 4 – Friday 5th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 8th July to Friday 16th August
  • In Service – Monday 19th August
  • Term 1 2024  – Tuesday 20th August – Friday 11th October 2024
  • October Holidays – Monday 14th to Friday 25th October
  • Term 2 – Monday 28th October – Friday 20th December 2024
  • In Service – Thursday 14th and Friday 15th November
  • Christmas Holidays – Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January
  • Term 3 – Monday 6th January – Friday 28th March 2025
  • Mid-Term Holiday – Monday 10th February
  • In Service – Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February
  • Spring Holidays – Monday 31st March to Friday 11th April
  • Term 4 – Monday 14th April – Friday 4th July 2025
  • Good Friday Holiday – Friday 18th April
  • May Day Holiday – Monday 5th May


  • School Uniform

  • School uniform can be ordered direct from Buchan Embroidery here: Buchan Embroidery – Fordyce
  • We have selected items of preloved uniform at the school also. Please call the school office for more information.

Social Media

Head Teacher

Contact: fordyce.sch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

Fordyce School, Fordyce
AB45 2SJ

01261 455770

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